Monday, April 23, 2012

Marketing Tools for Creative Freelancers

This week I came across a short article entitled, “10 Useful Marketing Tools for Freelancers.” I thought this had a lot of interesting and helpful ideas for those of you out there, like myself, that are freelancers trying to get their name out there. What I really enjoy about this article is that it still allows you to be completely creative while making sure you are covering the self-marketing essentials. This is great since we’re in a creative industry and need more chances to show what we can do and stand out to potential clients and/or employers.

A big part of this article focuses on social media. While a lot of people may consider this more on the casual, unprofessional side, it is a reality that this type of media is a very strong influencer on people’s lives. That being said, with the abundance of sites out there like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogging sites, etc., Vuong mentions as a free and simple way to update everything at once. It is a fantastic feature for those of you on the go.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Digital Marketing in the Entertainment Industry

For freelancers especially, digital marketing can be a key point in getting your name out there and helping your image. A lot of people, however, overlook the importance of it and miss out on a lot of opportunities. In an industry where impressions play such a huge role in ones career, it’s important that not only can people easily find you and that you are accessible, but that your online image stands out in a positive and professional way.

Bigger companies and more well-known people will always be one of the first results that show up if someone is Google-ing your service. If you’re a freelancer, this is why you should make sure you know how to get your name at the top of the searches, or at least find someone who knows how to do that for you. People rarely search beyond the first 2 pages. If your name is on one of those, imagine how that would positively affect your career!