Sunday, January 22, 2012

Artist and Product Management Skills for the Sound Supervisor

In continuing my findings on how audio post for film and television uses some skill sets one would use in product or artist management, the position of sound supervisor popped in my head immediately. Admittedly, I haven’t wrote about this position in a while as my fascination with music editing grew, but I assure you many of the same skills can transfer to music editing and other audio post jobs just as well. Although through my studies, the main artist in question regarding artist management is usually a recording singer or actor or some sort, I believe anyone creative is considered an artist. In the case of audio post, think of the composers, the field recorders out there recording crickets, or the sound designers blending bears with wolves and lions to create a new animal.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How Artist Management Skills Aid Music Editors' Products

This month I'm studying more about artist and product management. A music editor may have to work with artists and composers if they're working on films, but not in a managerial position. While I can pull some information from certain aspects of artist management to improve my communication and workflow when dealing with these types of people to make sure we collaborate and create something that sounds amazing, it's the end product I would be worried with. Of course there are manager characteristics a music editor would have to have to have some control over the sound department.