Sunday, November 13, 2011

Investing in Music

I came across a blog post through CNN Money this week by investor, Brad Svrluga entitled, "Investing in the music business, where 'you can't make money'." Svrluga writes about investing opportunities and analyses which to pass on and which to take up. In this particular blog post, he writes about why he thinks the music industry is one that shouldn't be ignored when considering which opportunities to put your money into.

Most people are aware of the music industry's reputation for being a rather risky one with many outside, and inside, factors constantly changing it. Consider technology. With more and more advances, the consumer's music medium changes. We've seen cylinders, records, tape, digital CDs, and audio file downloads. Along with that, genres change, artists are more eclectic, and we see things like the controversial auto-tune. With each new idea, change, "advancement", etc. we are constantly thinking, "Will this last? Will this be the new norm?"

Any businessperson can tell you taking risks is a good thing. Obviously, you want to know as much as possibly to make a sound decision. With something like technology and the music industry, it changes all the time. Because investors aren't too fond of throwing their money out to random opportunities in the hopes that one will be successful (and frankly, who is?), they often pass up the music industry as an option.